Prydain Wiki

Melynlas was a stallion, the "beloved steed" of Taran of Caer Dallben. Melynlas was the colt of Melyngar, the mare belonging to Prince Gwydion, who gave Taran the stallion as a gift at the end of the events of The Book of Three.


Melynlas as depicted by Jody Lee


Taran rode Melynlas through the events of The Black Cauldron, throughout his extensive travels recounted in Taran Wanderer -- during which Melynlas was seized by Lord Goryon's men -- and through the events of The High King. (Melynlas remained safely in the stables at Caer Dallben during the events of The Castle of Llyr.)

Description and Persona

Melynlas was gray and silver-maned, and was among the most sure-footed and powerful horses in Prydain. He was also rather spirited and knew his rider well; Melynlas threw both Goryon and that lord's Master of Horse when they essayed to saddle him.

Melyngar's War Gear